- Free Trademark SearchLanguage
Show proof of use in commerce or file a six month extension of time.
Your filing is submitted by experienced U.S. trademark attorneys who become attorney of record your application.
Your attorney reviews the use in commerce of your trademark and provides advice on how to best proceed.
Based on our review of your trademark use we file a Statement of Use or Extension. We docket your application and provide real time status updates going forward.
Special Offer
Government Fees not included†
Everything required to ensure your filing is accepted:
Review Use in Commerce
Prepare Declarations
Review Goods/Services
Manage Signatures
Prepare Specimens
Docket Trademark
Determine first use anywhere
Remind of future due dates
Determine first use in commerce
Advise on future requirements
Our Process
Get your Statement of Use or Extension filed in just three easy steps with our simple process.
Everything you need to know about our services and billing.