The Markavo® Blog

Trademark law, brand protection, growing your business, and more.
The Benefits of Working with Experienced Trademark Attorneys
Alec Whitten
Aug 15, 2023
Working with experienced trademark attorneys offers several advantages.
Why 2024 is the Best Time to Set Up a US Entity
Ugur Yuruk
Apr 18, 2024
Here are some reasons why 2024 could be the perfect time to set up a US entity.
Trademark Registration and Amazon Brand Registry
Alec Whitten
Dec 1, 2023
One way to safeguard your brand on Amazon is through trademark registration.
The Strategic Advantage of U.S. Trademark Registration: Protecting and Amplifying Your Brand
Alec Whitten
Oct 19, 2023
Every brand starts with a story, a unique identity that sets it apart in the marketplace.
What is a Trademark Office Action?
Alec Whitten
Oct 13, 2023
A trademark office action is an official communication from the trademark office concerning a specific issue with an application.
Trademark Registration Fees: Breaking Down the Cost of Filing a Statement of Use
Alec Whitten
Sep 7, 2023
The trademark registration process can be complex, and one essential step is filing a Statement of Use and understanding its associated costs